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Apostolic Incense Adoration


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Adoration Incense: Cassia enhanced with a hint of cinnamon, ingredients in the oil of unction (Kyphi).

We are proud to offer the new line of Apostolic Incense, dedicated to the brave and holy disciples who followed Christ and spread Christianity throughout the world. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, through His life, death, and Resurrection, was the inspiration to these men and to all Christians worldwide who have followed in His footsteps for over two thousand years.

We celebrate our Church history by introducing incense, a timeless essence, used for centuries in the liturgies of both the East and the West as a symbol of our worship, adoration, and prayer rising to God in fragrant clouds of smoke, especially during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.

We've searched the world for fragrances that complement the cultures and lands evangelized by the Apostles. We now invite you to add our Apostolic Incense to your Liturgy and experience the timeless aroma of incense found in the burgeoning civilizations of the world during the times of our Lord.