Blanket Toy Set - Lamb
$36.00 -
Blanket Toy Set - Pink Lamb
$28.00 -
Blanket Toy Set - Blue Lamb
$28.00 -
Blanket Toy Set - Gray Lamb
$28.00 -
Little Blessing Suitcase Set
$48.00 -
Barnaby the Runaway Sheep
$16.99 -
Hide & Slide Saint Stories
$10.95 -
Hide & Slide Bible Stories
$10.95 -
Everything for all of God's children can be found right here! Books, Bibles, Toys, Games - all sorts of fun ways to learn about the Catholic Faith.
Start them off early with a Kiddie Rosary, Picture Bible, or Cuddly Prayer Buddy that recites Catholic Prayers.
You'll find wonderful Birthday and Baptism Gifts and as they get older, First Holy Communion, and Confirmation Gifts.